Who Are We?
buybedbugsonline.com was established to meet the growing demand for live bedbug specimens from Universities, research labs and dog training schools, who use them for training bedbug detection dogs.
We regularly work with academics, inventors, manufacturers, pest managers and the hospitality sector. In 2019 we installed two test bedrooms to provide a realistic test environment for bedbug product development. This facility has since been used almost continuously to test a wide range of bedbug products, including barrier tapes, pit fall traps, sticky traps, desiccant dusts, and sprays.
Project Done
Product Development
buybedbugsonline.com has more than 20 years of experience in bedbug product development. We regularly work with inventors, manufacturers, academics and pest managers to evaluate bedbug management products.
We have two test bedrooms, where we release live bedbugs for product testing in a semi-realistic environment with a live host.
We use infra-red time-lapse cameras to capture bedbug behavior, which frequently provides invaluable insights into improvements that can be made to the products being tested.
If you have any questions or wish to schedule a trial please contact us at: info@buybedbugsonline.com
Our Expert Advisory
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